how doing with this here above I don't get the story for, but anyway for once again putting the screenboards straight in line: I am no cheerleading lady having the job to get the gains by cleaning up the brainstemmed cup for a once again set up to tell the talking hub he is the playwright/
/a playcaster in his polluxurious brass tub = saying the breadchub for a saving with all bye bye so do me this favour and sing the gago tsja-tsju for otherwise 'oh boy he'll know no gay'
/for my buying say and a sew to a guy in yoyo, sandcurves talk he'll leave the chalk for any other saving show if jumps are made to get him straight in berry boryll's after weight and guards could not withold that teardrops did show topper hops to dot the point/
/ out-wages are a same sooth game and tell a paratrooper footer all innings say that it's no way for bloomfield's game and he'll save his shampoo to wash away all shame.
/All this we sadly got to hold on in order to take a feeling for 'filthy jimmy' showing out of this constraint of weaver's ding-dong knocking 'gimme' all day on/
/ in this swanlake the songs belong to Sally and the jalom gally rowing tonga to a dong-dong island sage gaga. Normal is in the hyppodrome restaurant this task belongs to hissing sits to save the hips of the drummer and his tee bataljon, and only him gives this bedazzling brandy spooks over the shaky mainstreet surloine sneekers and her steaks, saying us 'yes please, we guess you come up asking we'll like the gate well done.'/
/ And to be justified in earial roony's goi packsoy we add some juice to sausage boost, the bastard tells me only then without conditioning he will go way out my doorsteps downing in a many gutzman town, he'll keep thís hashtag in thát open hench and forewards the documents on the benching plummer's punch/
/ it is the shoker strawing in his bag to snowing over any expected upheavel, sorry so dr. Kiss-bizz, say not it is no use to be converted and go back to older values, 'cause to go for uprighteous quotes and bring some order in all router's roots makes hands free to shackle bandits' bents, though Bennie did forbid the Gusman wellfare weed tells we'll do right to send in this all formulas for a regatta wailing off-shore in my rooms without a running mate/
/ neither must we doubt we'll love the trouts and find us the download in any all-the-way-outshout/
/ shortening the two steps to this door waits for the respectable shout-out the David of this band of crowds/
/ - this is the lady proud to have hired in the rushing body streetcar viewing gulliver in all inter-islands movie pictures time pullovers he could anyway so find thinking him 'he'll find me a sober one', and that is all to him religion which gives all-over fish-and-chips on today's dating dish./
I write this post 'cause the impression came on my mind this kindness to the public would be fun for a guy working like the anonymous beauty key-ware specialist in reference to files the month of may each of your years refills his memory with.
for a different point of view: have a look in the tourists team!/ above this: the Erechtheion Temple ruins in Athens high on this Acropolis still turning the set to where is the entrance gate - in ancient Greece people didn't know about North and South and East and West?
paramount arising still on and on each day can stop now with that way like any road keeps start and finish way. In any dessert silence is the usual listening to but save me the Tio-Pepe's from - and a camel is the ship you take still riding on the donkey better in that shape/
// such is the gay in a dessert stay, he'll show the gazelle jumps again way out of open stage = would he restore the valued conversation all so gay...? Let's tell what is the meaning of this tiny word of 'gay'and I'll see on that way.....and so there are some displayed exemplaric relics that guy could give in a tonight's dance the Pars should hire in a two-step couple for/
solvege piano is one thing but leaving to the stands down this stairs is another thing, what you'll do according to any 'that's in the contract'-cheap-say-of-a-layman is you earn the starry queen could show her wallet we have never asked for/
/ and this is your paragonic lense system which just gave us the canon lens even a high cardinal wouldn't care to cherish, money, true money this has been though only this happened the former year at Xmas time, to give the signature to restore some dusty fady vamps could go for the filligrain poststamps sent and a bouquet with red tulips would save for the rest of time that any cheering could be going well/
/ 'ladies know about their affairs more accurately than any man would do?' - well, if it's about men: there are many of such typos, though such is the guy she sends you to get you the bridle in again...../
/off you go with white lace and witty choices from the lipsticked flower she's been showing all this years the PARACOUNTRY could get out at choice one piece of brocate memory out of the sandelwood sigarillos box she left us smilingly, telling us she'll show in blue rings floating on and on to where she pointed to the ceiling she couldn't see anymore clearly where the circles went, then: 'what's important', she coughed = then she grunged in her high-tuned yellow laughter: he-earing wise he is, should we say HER? - and accura-acy in sty-yle you'll u-use for playwright producing/
/ then harsh she lowered scratchy in the throath: 'to show what's possible today in Ca USA I go now' - and there on she had blowed out her last expires....
. She would care to give me a smile and say with her low voice mannerism to tune in:
'are you free for a tonight's dance in the Goggling Disco, dear Clemitchel?'
And I would give a jaily wink and we would sing together:
'or do you have your obligations with the lowlands enigma tonight?'
'tsi, pom-pom, ping-ping, a cashier would do us both so well', she'll tell.
about this Paramount future show'nd go
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